Using interfaces with Glass Mapper

In one of my previous blog post I wrote an example on how to add Glass Mapper to Helix.
I will in this blog post provide some code examples on how to map different fields with Glass Mapper. I will also provide some examples on how you could benefit more from Glass Mapper by using interfaces instead of models.

Why use interfaces instead of models

Interfaces can be inherited multiple times, this works well with inherited templates in Sitecore.
We create the common fields in the Helix Foundation layer, and use the mappings in multiple feature projects.
The mapping is created in separate interfaces. The model(interface) that should use the fields only needs to inherit from these interfaces.

For example a simple component with Title and Rich Text would only need to inherit from the GlassBase, Title and Rich Text interface
IMyComponent : IGlassBase, ITitle, IRichText

Inside Sitecore the MyComponent would need the Title and RichText field

The view then has access to the fields, and works well with Experience editor by using the following mehtod:
@Html.Glass().Editable(x => x.RichText)
@Html.Glass().Editable(x => x.Title)

I start my new projects by identifying common fields.
I create two folders, one for single fields (folder named Fields) and one for fields that are used together (older named Sets).

All these fields are being added to a Helix foundation project so they are loaded by Unicorn before any feature projects that uses them.
Fields that are specific for their feature will be added in their feature project.

An interface for a component could look something like this, where we comma separate the common fields and add the Glass Mapper mappings for the specific feature fields in the interface directly:

Inside Sitecore I have this setup for the common fields and sets:

In visual studio a similar structure is used:

Mapping different fields examples:

Useful properties and methods

Image has several useful properties, where the Src is the one we use the most:

There is also a method here HasValue() we use this to verify that the image has value before trying to get the image Src.


To render links in a view the following can be used:

Using SitecoreChildren
The Model:

The View:

Methods to map the correct Sitecore Items


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